2025年  01月23日  星期四
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聂羽(NIE Yu) 副研究员




聂羽,国家气候中心气候研究开放实验室副研究员。2014年博士毕业于南京大学大气科学学院。先后在美国康奈尔大学(2013)和英国气象局进行学术访问(2018)。主要从事中高纬气候动力学和气候现象预测研究。主要的研究成果包括:(1)发现了低频瞬变涡旋对低层大气斜压性的重建作用,揭示了由高、低频瞬变涡旋共同作用维持温带急流低频振荡(环状模)的斜压机制,并提出了定量诊断涡旋反馈强度的新方法;(2)利用理论模型,揭示并定量诊断了对流层高层、低层热力强迫影响温带急流平均位置的动力学机理。(3)揭示了北大西洋马靴型海温异常和平流层初始条件为冬季AO/NAO的有效可预测源,据此研发了AO的次季节-季节客观化和统计预测产品。(4)揭示了初夏东北冷涡演变的三阶段物理过程,研发了东北冷涡的客观化逐日预测产品。现担任Geophys. Res. Lett., J. Geophys. Res., Weather and Climate Dynamics等国内外期刊评审。


国家自然科学基金面上项目“秋季北大西洋海洋锋区的次季节变化对格陵兰阻塞的影响研究” 2022-2025 主持
国家自然科学基金青年项目“大气斜压性垂直结构的改变对温带急流低频变化的影响机理研究” 2018-2020 主持
国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目“长江流域夏季强降水的前兆因子智能识别研究” 2021-2016 骨干
国家重点研发计划“多模式集合气候预测方法和应用研究”第二课题“基于过程扰动的多模式集合预测理论和方法研究” 2018-2022 专题负责人


Nie, Yu, Yang Zhang, Gang Chen and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2022: Quantifying Eddy Generation and Dissipation in the Jet Response to Upper- versus Lower-level Thermal Forcing. J. Atmos. Sci.,https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-21-0307.1
Nie, Yu, Yang Zhang, Jinqing Zuo, Mengling Wang, Jie Wu and Ying Liu, 2022: Dynamical processes controlling the evolution of early-summer cut-off lows in Northeast Asia. Clim. Dyn., https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06371-5
Chen, Gang*, Yu Nie*, and Yang Zhang, 2022: Jet Stream Meandering in the Northern Hemisphere Winter: An Advection-Diffusion Perspective, J. Clim., 35, 2055-2073.
Nie, Yu, Hong-Li. Ren, and Adam Scaife, 2020: Enhanced mid-to-late winter predictability of the storm track variability in the North Pacific as a contrast with the North Atlantic. Environ. Res. Lett., 15, 094037.
Ren Hong-Li and Nie Yu., 2020: Skillful prediction of winter Arctic Oscillation from previous summer in a linear empirical model. Science China Earth Sciences, 63, doi:10.1007/s11430-020-9665-3.
Nie, Yu, Adam Scaife, Hong-Li Ren, Ruth Comer, Martin Andrews, Philip Davis and Nicola Martin, 2019: Stratospheric initial conditions provide seasonal predictability of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oscillations. Environ. Res. Lett., 14, 034006.
Nie, Yu, Hong-Li Ren, and Yang Zhang, 2019: The Role of Extratropical Air-Sea Interaction in the Autumn Subseasonal Variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation. J. Climate., 32, 7697-7712.
Nie, Yu, Yang Zhang, Xiu-Qun Yang, and Hong-Li Ren, 2019: Winter and Summer Rossby Wave Sources in the CMIP5 Models. Earth and Space Science, 6. doi:10.1029/2019EA000674.
Nie, Yu, Yang Zhang, Gang Chen, and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2016: Delineating barotropic and baroclinic mechanisms in the midlatitude eddy-driven jet response to the lower tropospheric thermal forcing. J. Atmos. Sci., 73, 429-428.
Nie, Yu, Yang Zhang, Gang Chen, Xiu-Qun Yang and D. Alex Burrows, 2014: Quantifying barotropic and baroclinic eddy feedbacks in the persistence of the Southern Annular Mode. Geophys. Res. Let., 41, 8636-8644.
Nie, Yu, Y. Zhang, X. Yang, and G. Chen, 2013: Baroclinic anomalies associated with the Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode: roles of synoptic and low-frequency eddies. Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 2361–2366.